The FAI’s High Performance Director and Grass Roots Director Tom O’Shea will host a PDP Format Workshop in Mounthawk Park on Monday February 27th from 6.30pm.
All Clubs are required to send a minimum of 1 coach per team but can send more as the course can cater for up to 100 coaches.
Schedule: 6,30pm Registration.
7pm – Background to FAI Player Development Plan (PDP)
7.45pm 5v5 and 7v7 format practical sessions with players on the pitch,
8.30pm Role of the Coach, presentation, discussion and Q and A indoors.
Coaches need to registrar with me, (thursday 8:30 deadline), I will email our club details to Tom o Shea on an excel sheet required by Tom to ensure we can all attend.
All participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance which they can use for Continuous Professions Development hours on the F. A. I Coach Education Pathway.
You need to send your current coaching qualification (no need for proof just stated).
Any questions please get back asap.