As the football season is starting to near it’s conclusion, now might be a good time to ask parents and supporters to think about what you can do to help our club now, during the summer and next season.
You might not want to coach, but might see a need for better organisation, better equipment, better communication, more and better match reports, more and better club photographs etc … we’d love you to be the person to help us get better.
Remember, we have multiple teams at all levels, U6, U7, U8, U9, U10 in the academy, U11, U12, U13, U14, U15, U16 in the schoolboys league, U17, Youths, Senior in the KDL and even the Over-35’s. Every committee member, coach, photographer, facebook, website, twitter and text administrator are all roles filled by volunteers and we always need and welcome more.
If you would like to see where your help can make us that bit better, please email to start the conversation.
Mon ‘da Park!